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Board of the Zdzisław Szymański Prize was established by the Foundation „ProPhysica” with the mission of raising funds and organizing other activities related to the Prize. After awarding the Prize, the Dean of the Faculty of Physics of the Warsaw University charges the Board with paying the monetary scientific stipend to the winner.

  • Prof. Jacek Dobaczewski
  • Prof. Chrystian Droste
  • Prof. Witold Nazarewicz — chairman
  • Dr hab. Leszek Próchniak — vice-chairman
  • Prof. Krzysztof Rykaczewski
  • Prof. Janusz Skalski
  • Prof. Jacek Dobaczewski
  • Prof. Chrystian Droste
  • Prof. Marek Karny — vice-chairman
  • Prof. Witold Nazarewicz — chairman
  • Prof. Krzysztof Rykaczewski
  • Prof. Janusz Skalski