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ESNT, CEA Paris-Saclay

for pioneering calculations of the structure of deformed odd nuclei with Skyrme energy density functionals including symmetry restoration and configuration mixing and the first reliable ab-initio calculations of the nuclear matrix elements of neutrinoless double beta decay to a medium-mass deformed nucleus

Center for Nuclear Study, The University of Tokyo

for outstanding contributions to theoretical studies of nuclear structure, in particular for profound insights relevant to the search for neutrino-less double beta decay and the detection of dark matter

Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, INFN

in recognition of his contributions to the field of experimental studies of nuclear reactions of astrophysical relevance, in particular for developing extensions of the Trojan Horse Method to resonant reactions, including subthreshold resonances

Michigan State University

in recognition of her lidership in the exploration of the structure of exotic nuclei at the extremes of neutron to proton ratio and, in particular, for her seminal studies of spectroscopic factors in nulei far from the valley of nuclear stability

Technische Universität in Darmstadt

for pioneering works on applying renormalization group methods to the nucleon-nucleon interaction and nuclear many-body problem, and for ground-breaking contributions to the understanding of the impact of three-body forces on the structure of atomic nuclei

Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublinie

for his work on nuclear symmetry energy probed by neutron skin thickness of nuclei

The Andrzej Sołtan Institute for Nuclear Studies

for his Ph.D. work “Single-particle effects in the properties of heavy and superheavy nuclei”

Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg

for his outstanding contribution to experimental in-beam studies of superdeformed, octupole-deformed and heavy nuclei

Jagiellonian University, Kraków

for his systematic investigation of the dipole response in exotic neutron-rich nuclei in 132Sn mass region

University of Warsaw

for observing spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry in 128Cs

Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kraków

for his studies of neutron-rich nuclei excited in deep-inelastic heavy-ion collisions, and in particular for his discovery of the neutron N=32 magic gap

University of Warsaw

for his discovery of the two-proton decay and research concerning isomerism in nuclei far from stability

Warsaw University of Technology

for his research concerning shell effects in fermionic systems from atomic nuclei, through mesoscopic systems to neutron stars